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Suppliers for Mueller Valve Seals


We have three Mueller 60" Lineseal III Butterfly Valves in our cooling tower. Recently, we were informed that we could not longer obtain the seal and bolt kits for these valves from Mueller as they no longer make the valves. The bolt kits are a lower priority, but we need the seals for our next overhaul as it is impossible to replace all three valves at this time.Does anyone know of anywhere else to obtain the rubber seals and the bolt kits for these valves or a company other than Mueller that makes seals that will fit these valves? Depending on where you are in the world, and what detailed technical information you have, and time available, there is a fair number of companies willing to provide you with what you need.The obvious source is to ask Mueller for help: more detailed technical specification than you already have and/or references for companies suitable to help you.Alternative: ask Mueller for references for customers with similar valves in large numbers, and ask those.If you have already tried this with negative results: search for valve repair and service companies and ask for references for Mueller valves or similar.Maybe you will have to take one valve out to let the repair company (or yourself) take the specification directly from the valve on any missing details.


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